Friday, August 7, 2009


Why is it that Fridays are so much sweeter when you have the day off? Today was a great day. We had our first cake tasting at the Roseville Bakery! This was the one part of wedding planning that I have looked forward to since I first knew what a wedding was. The owner, Amy, sat down with us and let us try a lot of great cakes. They were delicous, and definitely budget friendly, so it seems like a win for us. After the tasting, we met some of my work friends at Pancho Villa, by FAR our favorite Mexican Restaurant in Minneapolis (and trust me, we've tried quite a few). They have all day happy hour Monday-Friday, which include 2x1 drinks and margaritas. and not to mention, the BEST spanish kareoke in town. Que divertido. YUM. *** By far the highlight of the day was dinner. We finally tried Rudolph's, a locally "famous" BBQ place on the Lyndale/Franklin cross-street in Minneapolis. This place absolutely lived up to the hype. We split a half-rack of both the spare and baby back ribs, and both were seasoned and grilled to perfection. DOUBLE YUM. **** Speaking of food, which seems to be the topic of the day, I'd like to close this posting with a little story from last night: It turned out that not only did I have today off, but so did a few of my girlfriends. That can only mean one thing: ladies night. We had a great time at Stella's and the new Cowboy Slim's in Uptown, and at the end of the night, as any woman would, we wanted FOOD. Luckily for us, there is a 24hour McDonalds a block away from both bars. Unluckily for us, it is drive-thru only, and we were walking home. Hmmm....pretty sure going through a drive-thru on foot is not only looked down upon, but illegal. Right? Oh don't worry, my friends are clever & determined, and it wasn't long until they had a solution... They walk up to a car sitting in the McDonalds drive-thru line... (knock, knock) Man rolls down window. "Excuse me, sir, can we sit in your back seat and order food with you?" "Ummm, sure. Hop on in." So, we proceeded to get into a stranger's car, order our 2am value meals, and then even get a ride home from the guys that we later found out were French cooks at Vincent's and actually really, really cool. Just a day in the life...

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