Monday, December 28, 2009
Don't Fear the Inevitable
While I am absolutely estatic and excited for our life as a family to begin, I can't help peering into the crystal ball and staring the inevitable straight in the face...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...
Wednesday: Christmas at my Dad's in Prior Lake. Lots of cookies, home made chili, and brand new luggage for our honeymoon in May! We ended the day seeing Avatar on the Monster Screen and I surprisingly LOVED it. A good love story is always appreciated, even if it is among aliens.
Unfortunately, I left my camera at home, so no pics to share :(
Thursday: Christmas Eve was hosted at my Mom's house. 29 of our family members on the "O'Rourke" side gathered (despite the snow storm) for an amazing dinner, Tom & Jerry's and a fun gift exchange. My favorite gifts both came from my generous mother: a heart rate monitor that will measure my heart rate & calories burned during my workouts, and one of her old pearl & diamond rings restored beautifully. I'm so excited to pass it down to my daughter some day!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Revenge of the Turkey
- Thanksgiving Eve: We join our friends at the local "townie" bar, to see old faces and celebrate the long weekend.
- Spend the night in my mother's guest room, to stay close to all the happenings of the next day.
- Thanksgiving Morning: We join Jared's family for the annual morning bowling. I always lose.
- Thanksgiving early afternoon: Return to my mom's house to grab all of the delicious foo...
...knock knock knock...
...pound pound pound...
She locked me out of the house. Even worse, she also locked all of my food, that I had spent the entire night before preparing, inside the house. Ugh.
I make my way to all 5,000 windows in the house to see if any are left open just enough for me to slide through. No luck. The place is locked up like Fort Knox.
Just as I am ready to give up, I realize that I skipped the sliding glass door to the basement. I make my way down to the hill, and as I approach the door a large dark figure that previously resembled a rock comes barrelling at me, coming so close to knocking me over that I feel the air from his feathers blow across my face.
As a scream escapes my throat I finally make out what the object is...
I stand in shock and watch the obese bird run faster than any animal or human I have ever seen run in my life, hauling ass down our hill, across the street, and into the woods.
I fall over laughing. I am, in fact, just about to eat his cousin; the least he can do is give me a heart attack. Oh the irony...
In spite of the locked up food and turkey attack, we had a great Thanksgiving :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Waking up from Vegas...

Night #1 we found ourselves at the ever-popular "Men of X" show at the Hooters Casino. What a hoot!
Day #2 - Lunch at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville where I got brought up on stage to belly dance! As you will see, I continued to flash the t-shirt that my girlfriends bought for me, which read, "By me a shot, I'm tying the knot!"
Night #2 - My bachelorette. My friend Jenny Carle surprised me with this amazing bachelorette dress, which she MADE! Thanks again Jenny!!
Opening fun gifts... :)

Day #2 - Halloween. Well, Ashley needed to sleep in a little...
But don't worry. We got all gussied up in our Superhero costumes, and hopped in our limo...

Day #3 - Lazy pool day...
...Followed by the Cirque du Solei Beatles LOVE Show (where we got upgrated to front row!)

...Followed by an evening trip to the Palms hotel to take the Playboy staff up on their offer of free VIP and bottle service! (the only condition: NO MEN at the table. That was more than fine by us :)
Our waitress
It was a perfect get-away.
Reality bites...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Haa Hee Hachoo!
*Photo was e-mailed to me today compliments of a co-worker and his excellent skills with photoshop. I think they miss me in the office :)
On a better note, I had a great weekend. Got to see Zombieland (which was hilarious), visit the Trail of Terror (which was predictable, but fun none the less), and play with wedding flowers with my friend and florist Micki.
Now have a good week and I'll see YOU when I'm better.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Salt Lake City
Monday, October 12, 2009
Napa Valley, MN...!?

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Engagement Pictures
I can't wait to marry this man!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Welcoming Fall

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Awkward Door Holding
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Seeing old friends
Monday, September 14, 2009
Calm Before the Storm
Am I really doing the twist??
After this next picture was taken, all the man kept saying to us was, "Thank you, thank you so much for one of the best nights!" LOL
On Saturday, Jared & I spent the day bumming around & running errands, then had an AWESOME dinner. OK...I'm am about to give you a restaurant reccomendation that surpasses all others that I have given you in the past...but are you ready for this information? Are you able to eat delicious food, without thinking twice about how many calories you are consuming? Ok, here goes...
Town Talk Diner
Go there, and go there now. This place is located on E. Lake Street & Hiawatha in Minneapolis, and has been featured on the popular Food Network show "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives." This cute little place has AMAZING food, a cool menu and fun drinks. They serve "Adult Malts" (malts infused with adult beverages), beer cans in koozies and they even sell 40s!
Jared ordered the "Brat Burger" with garlic fries, which was featured on the show. With God as my witness, this is the only time that I have ever witnessed Jared verbally lose his mind over food, yelling "Oh my God!!" after each bite. It is that good. To drink, he ordered a 40oz of Schlitz, which was very appropriately served on ice with a champagne glass.
I had the "Kitchen Sink Burger", which is basically a bacon cheesebuger with their special "Kitchen Sink" sauce. That was the best burger I have ever had.... In. My. Entire. Life. To drink, I had a can of Grain Belt, and then helped Jared finish his 40oz of beer :)
Then Sunday came, I cried a little knowing Monday was so close, and then Jared & I met our photographer at Lake Calhoun for round 2 of our engagament pictures. We already took some last November, but because we recently hired this photographer he "insisted" that we take some with him so he could "get to know our style". And, he offered to shoot us for free, so we couldn't resist! We think we got some good shots - stay tuned for pics!
That's all for tonight. The next time you hear from me I will be a much happier and less stressed out woman. I sure as hell can't wait for that :)